Present Subjunctive: An Overview

The present subjunctive is formed by taking the 1st person singular present tense form of a verb, dropping the “o” ending, and then adding the new present subjunctive ending.

Here are the endings for regular verbs that end in -ar.

first personeemos
second personeséis
third personeen

For example, we would take the 1st-person singular of “hablar” (present tense) which would be hablo. We would drop the “o” and add the following endings:

yo hable
tú hables
él/ella/usted hable
nosotros hablemos
vosotros habléis
ellos/ellas/ustedes hablen

Here are the endings for regular verbs that end in -er or -ir.

first personaamos
second personasáis
third personaan

yo beba
él/ella/usted beba
nosotros bebamos
vosotros bebáis
ellos/ellas/ustedes beban